• Understanding and Interpreting Lab Values

    Learn how to understand and interpret results of:

    • CBC
    • Chemistry Screen
    • Urinalysis
    • Testing for endocrine function
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  • TCVM Food Therapy 101

    In this introduction to Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) Food Therapy, Dr. Judy Morgan explains the basic principles of Food Therapy and how to determine what needs to be supported or controlled to maximize health.

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  • An Integrative Approach to Hospice and Palliative Care for Dogs

    Euthanasia is not the only option. Help your dog retain a high quality of life for longer by supporting their unique needs.

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  • Liver Shunts in Dogs & Cats

    The liver is an essential organ in a dog’s or cat’s anatomy. It plays a critical role in metabolism, digestion, detoxification, and the synthesis of essential proteins. In total, the liver performs over five hundred functions in the body.

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  • Copper Storage Disease in Dogs & Cats

    Copper is a mineral that plays an important role in the nutrition of dogs and cats. Copper storage disease (CSD) is becoming increasingly common in dogs but can also occur in cats (albeit rare).  It directly affects the liver, which in turn, can cause a domino effect of problems in other systems of the body.

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  • Fatty Liver Disease in Cats

    Fatty liver disease, also known as Feline Hepatic Lipidosis(FHL) or Fatty Liver Syndrome, is one of the most common liver diseases found in cats. Dogs can also develop the condition, but it is rare.

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  • Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine and Liver Imbalance

    The liver is a vital organ with an impressive capacity for regeneration and healing. But once damaged, it can deteriorate rapidly. Many factors can trigger liver problems in pets.

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  • Evaluating Liver Function with Lab Work

    The liver is a vital organ that serves numerous essential functions, including filtering out toxins in the bloodstream, manufacturing proteins and fats, storing glycogen (an important source of energy), and producing bile, a fluid that aids digestion.

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  • Triaditis in Cats – Three Times the Problem

    Portal triad disease, or “triaditis,” is a serious but treatable condition occurring primarily in cats. The illness can be complex and difficult to understand, as it involves not one system of the body, but three simultaneously.

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Liver Supporting Supplements

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Supporting the Wood Element (Liver + Gallbladder)

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