Interaction Between TCVM Elements: How to Feed for Deficiencies & Excesses

There are five elements, or constitutions, in Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine. These constitutions help determine personality traits, hair color, predisposition to illness, temperament, and emotions. All five elements play a role in every individual, but one element will be dominant in relation to the others. The five elements interact with each other in multiple ways. They may nourish and support or they may restrain or control another element. Knowing how each element affects the others enables us to use Food Therapy to support or suppress a deficient or excess element. You can use the Pet Personality quiz to determine your pet’s element and check off issues your pet may have on all of the “excess” and “deficiency” columns to determine what needs to be supported or controlled.

The 5 Constitutions 

Fire controls the Heart and Small Intestine. The Heart houses the Shen, so imbalances of the Fire element can result in mania, anxiety, and insomnia. The Heart opens into the tongue and rules the Blood and Blood Vessels. Fire constitutions are prone to Excess Heat and Yin Deficiencies.

Earth represents the digestive organs Spleen and Stomach (not the western definition of spleen). This element is responsible for transforming food and fluids into Qi and Blood. The Spleen rules the muscles and flesh. Muscle tone in the limbs often indicates the relative strength or weakness of the Spleen. The Spleen opens into the mouth and lips. Earth dislikes Cold and Damp.

Metal represents Lungs and Large Intestine. Lungs rule respiration and move water down to the kidneys; they rule the exterior of the body (skin, sweat glands, and body hair). The Lung is the most susceptible organ to damage from outside pathogens. The nose, throat, and vocal cords are related to Lungs. Lung dislikes dryness and Cold.

Water represents Kidneys and Bladder. Kidneys store the life essence and are the source of reproduction, development, and maturation. The kidneys move and transform water within the body and eliminate waste. Kidneys rule the bones, teeth, brain, and spinal cord, and open to the ears. This element dominates the hindquarters.

Wood represents Liver and Gall Bladder. The main functions of the Liver are to maintain the smooth flow of Qi, store Blood, balance the emotions for proper behavior, control the tendons and ligaments, opens in the eyes, and dominates the perineal, inguinal, flank, and paw areas of the body. Wood is prone to Liver Qi Stagnation, resulting in aggression, frustration, and anger.

Symptoms of Excess & Deficiency

Symptoms of Fire out of balance:

  • Excess (feed Water): dry cough, thirst, sores in the nose and throat, restlessness, anxiety, painful urination, recurrent cystitis, bad dreams, soreness of the lower back, inability to focus, swollen hot joints, dehydration, Yin deficiency, hives, swollen feet
  • Deficiency (feed Fire and/or Wood): panic, confusion, weak heart function, anemia, tires easily, low blood pressure

Symptoms of Earth out of balance:

  • Excess (feed Wood): Dampness in the lower body (edema or swelling in the abdomen, hips, hind legs), weak back, weak joints, cold damp lower back and hind limbs, attention seeking, intestinal gas and distention, constipation and diarrhea, abnormal appetite, obesity, conjunctivitis, water retention, tender gums, sticky mucous in nose and throat, sticky saliva
  • Deficiency (feed Earth and/or Fire): loose teeth, lower back ache, swollen abdomen, swollen liver, soft tumors (prostate), swollen lymph nodes, weak ankles and wrists, bruises easily, tender muscles, bleeding gums, obesity, poor muscle tone

Symptoms of Metal out of balance:

  • Excess (feed Fire): dryness, constipation, asthma, laryngitis, sinusitis, dermatitis, ileitis, colitis, urethritis, tumors (mammary), emaciation, anemia, poor appetite, stiff spine, neck and posture, dry cracked brittle nails and lips, tight muscles

  • Deficiency (feed Metal or Earth): respiratory tract infections, high fevers, bronchitis, pneumonia, dry mucous membranes, itching, shortness of breath, intermittent rapid heartbeat, bladder weakness, frail physique, incontinence, moles and warts, loss of body hair, cracked dry soft nails, soft enlarged lymph nodes, sneeze or cough with changes in temperature and humidity

Symptoms of Water out of balance:

  • Excess (feed Earth): apathy, lethargy, solitary, suspicious, moaning, groaning, arthritis, cold back and extremities, heart enlargement, edema, tumors in the brain, spinal cord, and lower abdomen, rigid muscles, pot belly, loose bowel movements, lack of appetite, shallow breathing, urinary retention, instability of the lumbosacral spine, arthritis in the hips and hind limbs (worse in cold), hypersensitive vision and hearing, headaches, weak digestion, kidney and bladder stones, bony tumors, hypertension, constipation

  • Deficiency (feed Water and/or Metal): fear, terror, dulled vision and hearing, weak stiff spine and lower body, degeneration of disks and cartilage, cold hips and hind legs, frequent urination, osteoporosis, prematurely gray, thin hair, wrinkled skin, lacks stamina, hard to wake up, loss of appetite, weak abdominal muscles

Symptoms of Wood out of balance:

  • Excess (feed Metal): digestive upset, acid reflux, spasmodic abdominal pain, pain between the ribs, shallow breathing or wheezing, hyperactivity, frustration, anger, aggression, seizures
  • Deficiency (feed Wood and/or Water): edema (swelling of the limbs), phlegm (cough, mucous), stiff muscles, sluggish circulation, aches and pains in joints and tendons, tendon or ligament rupture (ACL, CCL), sluggishness, lethargy, dry eyes

Diets to Support or Control Imbalances

Fire Constitution

This is a complete diet that can be beneficial in cases of Metal Excess, Earth Deficiency, and Fire Deficiency.

Ingredient Properties:

  • Beef Heart—Sweet, neutral. Enters the Heart channel. Tonifies Blood and Qi. Indicated for insomnia, heart palpitations, sweating, and Heart Qi or Blood Deficiency.
  • Pork Heart—Sweet, salty, neutral. Enters the Heart channel. Tonifies Qi. Indicated for weak heart function.
  • Turkey Wings—Sweet, neutral to cool. Enters the Kidney, Liver, Spleen, and Stomach channels. Tonifies Yin and Qi and softens hardness. Indicated for swelling, GI issues, and Yin Deficiency.
  • Beef Liver—Sweet, neutral. Enters the Liver and Spleen channels. Tonifies Blood and sharpens vision. Indicated for cachexia, weakness, fatigue, anemia, poor vision, and edema.
  • Beef Tongue—Sweet, neutral. Enters the Heart and Liver channels. Tonifies Qi, clears the eyes. Indicated for Heart Qi Deficiency.
  • Chicken Gizzard—Sweet, warm. Enters the Spleen, Stomach, Small Intestine, and Bladder channels. Promotes digestion, decreases urinary incontinence. Indicated for Food Stagnation, malnutrition, gall bladder sludge, bladder stones, and urinary incontinence.
  • Carrots—Sweet, neutral. Enters the Spleen, Liver, and Lung channels. Tonifies Liver Blood, Soothes Liver Qi, tonifies Qi, circulates Qi, aids in cancer prevention, Liver Qi Stagnation, and Damp. Indicated for indigestion, Food Stagnation, blurred vision, diarrhea, cough, and urinary tract infection.
  • Spinach—Sweet, Cold. Enters the Heart, Small Intestine, Large Intestine, Stomach, and Liver channels. Acts as a diuretic, quenches thirst, moistens Dryness, soothes the Liver, clears Liver Heat, tonifies Blood, Qi, and Yin. Indicated for constipation, diabetes, intestinal upset, ulcers, insomnia, hypertension, and difficult urination.
  • Butternut Squash—Sweet, warm. Enters the Lung, Spleen, Stomach, and Large Intestine channels. Tonifies Qi, Transforms Phlegm, drains Damp, Dispels Cold, and circulates Blood. Indicated for Spleen Qi Deficiency, diarrhea, constipation, and diabetes.
  • Kale—Bitter, sweet, neutral. Enters the Lung and Stomach channels. Tonifies Blood, Moves Stagnation, and stops pain. Recommended for anemia, Stagnation, and gastrointestinal ulcers.
  • Shiitake Mushrooms—Sweet, neutral. Enters the Spleen, Stomach, and Liver channels. Tonifies Blood and Qi. Indicated for cancer, loose stool, Phlegm, fatigue, inappetence, and shortness of breath.
  • Turnips—Pungent, sweet, neutral. Enters the Lung, Large Intestine, Stomach, and Spleen channels. Drains Damp, transforms Phlegm, promotes appetite, tonifies Blood, Qi, and Yin, circulates Blood and Qi, clears Heat, resolves Toxins. Indicated to drain Damp, transform Phlegm, and promote appetite.

Earth Constitution 

This is a complete diet that can be beneficial in cases of Water Excess, Metal Deficiency and Earth Deficiency.

Ingredient Properties:

  • Chicken—Sweet, warm. Enters the Spleen/Stomach/Kidney channels. Tonifies Blood, Jing, and Qi. Indicated for fatigue, diarrhea, weakness, emaciation, Blood Stagnation, and inappetence. Warms the middle Jiao and dispels Cold.
  • Carrot—Sweet, neutral. Enters the Spleen/Large Intestine/Lung channels. Tonifies Liver Blood and Qi, soothes Liver Qi. Promotes digestion, clears Heat, and resolves Toxins. Indicated for Food Stagnation, diarrhea, and parasites.
  • Collards—Bitter, cool. Enters Stomach/Liver/Lung channels. Clears Damp Heat, moves Stagnation, stops pain. Used for constipation, abdominal fullness, and agitation. Tonifies Qi and resolves Toxins.
  • Ginger—Pungent, warm. Enters Lung/Spleen/Stomach/Heart channels. Clears and disperses cold, warms the middle Jiao. Indicated for vomiting, Stomach Qi rebellion, diarrhea, and Blood Stagnation. Tonifies Qi, Yang, resolves Toxins, transforms Phlegm.
  • Kelp—Salty, cold. Enters the Liver/Stomach/Kidney/and Lung channels. Drains water, relieves edema, transforms Phlegm. Tonifies Blood, Yin, clears Heat, resolves Toxins.
  • Shiitake Mushroom—Sweet, neutral. Enters the Spleen/Stomach/Liver channels. Tonifies Blood and Qi. Indicated for cancer, loose stool Phlegm, fatigue, inappetence, shortness of breath, and increased thirst.
  • Beef Liver—Sweet, neutral. Enters the Liver/Spleen channels. Tonifies Blood and Qi. Indicated for cachexia, weakness, fatigue, and anemia.
  • Turnip—Pungent, sweet, neutral. Enters the Large Intestine/Stomach/Spleen/Lung channels. Drains Damp, transforms Phlegm, promotes appetite. Indicated for Food Stagnation, Blood Stagnation, and diabetes.
  • Turmeric—Pungent, sweet, warm. Enters the Liver/Spleen/Stomach/Kidney channels. Regulates and tonifies Qi, resolves Stagnation. Indicated for Food Stagnation, cancer, and to dispel Wind-Damp.
  • Pork Heart—Sweet, salty, neutral. Enters Lung/Spleen/Stomach/Liver/Kidney channels. Tonifies Blood and Yin, moistens dryness, tonifies Qi. Indicated for constipation, diarrhea, emaciation, fatigue, and weakness.
  • Butternut Squash—Sweet, warm. Enters Spleen/Stomach/Large Intestine/Lung channels. Tonifies Qi, transforms Phlegm, dispels cold, drains Damp, circulates Blood. Indicated for Spleen Qi Deficiency, diarrhea, and constipation.

Metal Constitution 

This is a complete diet that can be beneficial in cases of Wood Excess, Water Deficiency and Metal Deficiency.

Ingredient Properties:

  • Turkey—Sweet, neutral to cool. Enters the Kidney, Liver, Spleen, and Stomach channels. Tonifies Yin and Qi and softens hardness. Indicated for masses, swelling, GI issues, and Kidney/Liver Yin Deficiency.
  • Butternut Squash—Enters the Lung, Large Intestine, Spleen, and Stomach channels. Tonifies Qi, transforms Phlegm, dispels Cold, drains Damp, circulates Blood. Indicated for Spleen Qi Deficiency, diarrhea, constipation, fever, and diabetes.
  • Spinach—Sweet, cool. Enters the Large Intestine, Small Intestine, Stomach, Liver, and Heart channels. Soothes the Liver, clears Liver Heat, diuretic, quenches thirst, moisten dryness, engenders Body Fluids, tonifies Blood, Qi, and Yin, benefits vision. Indicated for bloody stool, coughing, constipation, diabetes, intestinal upset, ulcers, headaches, insomnia, difficult urination, and hypertension.
  • Pork Liver—Sweet, bitter, neutral. Enters the Liver and Spleen channels. Tonifies Blood and Qi, sharpens vision. Indicated for cachexia, weakness, fatigue, anemia, poor vision, and edema.
  • Apples—Sweet to Sour, neutral. Enters the Lung, Large Intestine, Spleen, Stomach, and Liver channels. Tonifies Yin and Qi, promotes digestion, moistens the Lungs, cleanses the Liver and Gall Bladder, clear Heat, promotes Body Fluids, transforms Phlegm, releases Toxins. Indicated for diarrhea, chronic enteritis, constipation, colitis, IBD, restlessness, fever, inappetence, and thirst.
  • Shiitake Mushrooms—Sweet, neutral. Enters the Spleen, Stomach, and Liver channels. Tonifies Blood and Qi, transforms Phlegm. Indicated for cancer, loose stool, Phlegm, fatigue, inappetence, increased urination, shortness of breath.
  • Thyme—Pungent, warm. Enters the Lung, Liver, Bladder, Heart, Kidney, Spleen, and Stomach channels. Dispels Wind-Cold, tonifies and circulates Qi, transforms Phlegm. Indicated for Wind-Cold, cough, inappetence, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and Qi Stagnation.
  • Cod Liver Oil—Sweet, cold. Tonifies Blood and Yin, clears Heat, promotes digestion. Enters the Kidney, Spleen, and Liver channels. Indicated for general Yin deficiency, Stagnation, diabetes, and constipation.
  • Kelp—Salty, cold. Enters the Lung, Kidney, Liver, and Stomach channels. Drains Water, relieves edema, transforms Phlegm, softens hard masses, tonifies Blood and Yin, clears Heat, resolves Toxins.
  • Wheat Grass—Sweet, salty, neutral. Enters the Liver, Spleen, and Stomach channels. Tonifies Qi and Blood, restores fertility, purifies the Liver, detoxifies heavy metals, helps regulate blood sugar. 
  • Sea Salt—Salty, cold. Enters the Large Intestine, Kidney, Small Intestine, Stomach, and Spleen channels. Clears Heat, cools Blood, softens hardness, resolves Toxins. Indicated for constipation, sore throat, vomiting, chest pain, toothache, and gum bleeding.

Water Constitution 

This is a complete diet that can be beneficial in cases of Fire Excess, Wood Deficiency, and Water Deficiency.

Ingredient Properties:

  • Chicken—Sweet, warm. Enters the Kidney, Spleen, and Stomach channels. Tonifies Blood, Jing, Qi, and Yang; dispels Cold; fills the marrow. Indicated for edema, fatigue, diarrhea, increased urination, weakness, emaciation, inappetence, diabetes, Blood Stagnation, vaginal bleeding/discharge.
  • Butternut Squash—Sweet, warm. Enters the Spleen, Stomach, Large Intestine, and Lung channels. It functions to tonify Qi, drain Damp, dispel Cold, circulate Blood, and transform Phlegm. It is indicated for Spleen Qi Deficiency, diarrhea, constipation, fever, diabetes, and to stabilize a hyperactive fetus.
  • Asparagus—Sweet, bitter, cool. Enters the Kidney, Lung, and Spleen channels. Tonifies Qi and Yin, promotes Body Fluids, Drains Damp, benefits urination, Clears Heat and Damp-Heat, and resolves Toxins. Indicated for thirst, chronic cough, dysuria, edema, constipation, cancer, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia.
  • Cranberries—Sweet, sour, cold. Enters the Kidney and Large Intestine channels. Clears Heat, clears Damp, removes Toxins from the Blood, opens the Lungs, protects against cancer-causing free-radicals, dissolves kidney stones. Used to treat and prevent urinary tract infections.
  • Green Beans—Sweet, neutral. Enter the Kidney, Spleen, and Liver channels. Tonifies Yin and Qi. Used for lumbar pain, diabetes, chronic diarrhea, vomiting, and Yin Deficiency.
  • Eggs—Sweet, neutral. Enters the Kidney, Spleen, Stomach, Heart, Lung, and Liver channels. Tonifies Blood, Qi, Jing, and Yin, calms the Shen, sharpens vision, prevents abortion, quiets the fetus, addresses diarrhea, dry cough, hoarse voice, and sore throat. Used for generalized weakness.
  • Beef Kidney—Salty, sweet, hot. Enters the Kidney channel. Tonifies Jing, Qi, and Yang, dispels Cold. Indicated for back pain, hip pain, Cold or Kidney Qi/Yang Deficiency, arthritis.
  • Ginger Root—Pungent, war. Enters the Lung, Spleen, Stomach, and Heart channels. Clears and disperses Cold, Warms the Middle Jiao, tonifies Qi and Yang, resolves Toxins, and transforms Phlegm. Indicated for cough, cough with Phlegm, vomiting, diarrhea, and Blood Stagnation. 
  • Sweet Red Peppers—Pungent, sweet, warm. Enters the Kidney and Stomach channels. Improves appetite, promotes Blood circulation, tonifies Yang, dispels Cold, reduces swelling. Indicated for Food Stagnation and indigestion.

Wood Constitution

This is a complete diet that can be beneficial in cases of Earth Excess, Wood Deficiency and Fire Deficiency.

Ingredient Properties:

  • Pork Heart—Sweet, salty, neutral. Enters the Heart channel. Tonifies Blood and Qi. Indicated for Qi or Blood Deficiency.
  • Turkey—Sweet, neutral to cool. Enters the Liver, Kidney, Spleen, and Stomach channels. Tonifies Yin and Qi. Indicated for Liver Yin Deficiency.
  • Chicken Gizzards—Sweet, warm. Enters the Liver, Stomach, Spleen, and Kidney channels. Tonifies Blood, Jing, and Qi, resolves Stagnation, scatters Cold. Used to treat Blood stagnation.
  • Celery—Pungent, sweet, cool. Enters the Liver, Stomach, Kidney, and Bladder channels. Clears Heat, sends down Middle Qi, drains Damp, clears Damp-Heat, soothes Liver Qi. Indicated for fever, agitation, vomiting, anorexia, difficult urination, or bloody urination.
  • Carrots—Sweet, neutral. Enters Liver, Spleen, and Lung channels. Tonifies Liver Blood, soothes Liver Qi, tonifies Qi, clears Heat, resolves Toxins, improves vision, and promotes digestion. Indicated for indigestion, blurred vision, Food Stagnation, diarrhea, cough, and urinary tract infections.
  • Cucumber—Sweet, cold, bitter. Enters the Spleen, Stomach, Large Intestine, and Bladder channels. Clears Heat, soothes Liver Qi, quenches thirst, resolves Toxins. Indicated for jaundice, conjunctivitis, sore throat, IBD, uveitis, diabetes, and extremity swelling.
  • Beef Liver—Sweet, neutral. Enters the Liver and Spleen channels. Tonifies Blood, sharpens vision, tonifies Qi. Indicated for cachexia, weakness, fatigue, anemia, poor vision, edema, and Blood Deficiency.
  • Kale—Bitter, sweet, neutral. Enters the Lung and Stomach channels. Tonifies Blood, moves Stagnation, stops pain. Indicated for anemia, Stagnation, and gastrointestinal ulceration.
  • Cabbage—Sweet, pungent, neutral. Enters the Spleen, Stomach, Large Intestine, and Lung channels. Moistens intestines, circulates Qi, clears Heat, resolves Stagnation. Indicated for cough, gastrointestinal spasm, colic, ulcer pain, and constipation.
  • Apples—Sweet to sour, neutral. Enters the Liver, Spleen, Stomach, Lung, and Large Intestine channels. Tonifies Yin, promotes digestion, cleanses Gall Bladder and Liver, tonifies Qi, clears Heat, promotes Body Fluids, releases Toxins, and transforms Phlegm. Indicated for diarrhea, constipation, chronic enteritis, colitis, IBD, restlessness, fever, inappetence
  • Basil—Pungent, sweet, warm. Enters the Lung, Large Intestine, Spleen, Stomach, and Kidney channels. Clears Wind-Cold, resolves Toxins, circulates Qi, drains Damp, transforms Phlegm. Indicated for Wind-Cold, headache, cough, vomiting, diarrhea, and flatulence.
  • Turmeric—Pungent, sweet, warm. Enters the Liver, Spleen, Stomach, and Kidney channels. Regulates Qi, resolves Stagnation, tonifies Qi. Indicated for Food Stagnation, Liver Qi Stagnation, to dispel Wind-Damp, cancer, and arthritis.
  • Cod Liver Oil—Sweet, cold. Enters the Liver, Spleen, and Kidney channels. Tonifies Blood and Yin, tonifies Jing, strengthens tendons, brightens the eyes, clears Heat.
  • Kelp—Salty, cold. Enters the Liver, Stomach, Kidney, and Lung channels. Drains Damp, relieves edema, transforms Phlegm, tonifies Blood and Yin, clears Heat, resolves Toxins. 
  • Wheat Grass—Sweet, salty, neutral. Enters the Liver, Stomach, and Spleen channels. Tonifies Qi and Blood.

TCVM Interactions in More Depth

"Parent" & "Child" Relationship

Each element supports a “child” element. Think of the phase of generation, nourishment, and support like the relationship between a parent and a child; the parent supports the child to help them grow and be strong. Following the elements clockwise around the circle, the parent supports the child which comes after the parent:

  • Fire generates, nourishes, and supports Earth
  • Earth generates, nourishes, and supports Metal
  • Metal generates, nourishes, and supports Water   
  • Water generates, nourishes, and supports Wood
  • Wood generates, nourishes, and supports Fire


  • If Earth is weak (deficient), you can feed to support Earth or Fire, as Fire will feed the Earth
  • If Metal is weak, you can feed to support Metal or Earth, as Earth will feed Metal
  • If Water is weak, you can feed to support Water or Metal, as Metal will feed Water
  • If Wood is weak, you can feed to support Wood or Water, as Water will feed Wood
  • If Fire is weak, you can feed to support Fire or Wood, as Wood will feed Fire

"Grandparent" & "Child" Relationship

There is also a restraining sequence in which elements will suppress an element that is in excess. An element in excess can damage the organ it controls by suppressing it too much. Think of the restraint phase like the relationship between a grandparent and a grandchild. The grandparent sets limits to make sure the grandchild does not overstep its boundaries. The grandparent elements lie across the circle from the grandchild:

  • Fire controls Metal
  • Earth controls Water
  • Metal controls Wood
  • Water controls Fire
  • Wood controls Earth


  • If Metal is in excess, you can feed Fire to suppress Metal.
  • If Water is in excess, you can feed Earth to control the Water.
  • If Wood is in excess, you can feed Metal to control the Wood.
  • If Fire is in excess, you can feed Water to control the Fire.
  • If Earth is in excess, you can feed Wood to control the Earth.

In essence, Water nourishes Wood by moistening it and restrains Fire by quenching it. Wood generates Fire by providing fuel for combustion and inhibits Earth by covering it. Fire generates Earth by reducing matter to ash that forms soil and restrains Metal by burning and melting it. Earth supports Metal by forming minerals and bringing them to the surface but controls Water by damming and absorbing it. Metal vitalizes Water by permeating it with refined substances that enhance its life-giving properties and restrains Wood by cutting it.

In Conclusion

    While this all seems complicated, you can use the Pet Personality quiz to determine your pet’s element. Then check off issues your pet may have on the “excess” and “deficiency” columns under all the elements. Look to see how the excesses and deficiencies are affecting your pet’s element to determine what needs to be supported or controlled with food therapy. For instance, a Fire element dog may have weak bones or kidneys because the Water element has been exhausted from trying to control the Fire (Water is the grandparent to Fire). In this case, support the Water element by feeding Water or by feeding Metal (the parent of Water).

    Dr. Judy Morgan's Constitutions diets are available from AllProvide.

    Recipes are available on our website if you want to make the meals at home.

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