
Sterilization Options for Female Dogs

Sterilization Options for Female Dogs

Sterilization is the most common surgical procedure performed on pets in the United States. The main benefit of sterilization is population control and the reduction in euthanasia of unwanted dogs....

Sterilization Options for Female Dogs

Sterilization is the most common surgical procedure performed on pets in the United States. The main benefit of sterilization is population control and the reduction in euthanasia of unwanted dogs....

Sterilization Options for Male Dogs

Sterilization Options for Male Dogs

The overwhelming majority of companion dogs in the United States are sterilized (neutered/spayed), most before one year of age. Neutering is critically important for population control, reduction of some reproductive...

Sterilization Options for Male Dogs

The overwhelming majority of companion dogs in the United States are sterilized (neutered/spayed), most before one year of age. Neutering is critically important for population control, reduction of some reproductive...

Benefits of Deer Antler Velvet

Benefits of Deer Antler Velvet

Deer Antler Velvet has been used in the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years.  In recent years, there have been numerous studies affirming its healing properties and...

Benefits of Deer Antler Velvet

Deer Antler Velvet has been used in the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years.  In recent years, there have been numerous studies affirming its healing properties and...

Cancer Awareness Month

Cancer Awareness Month

A cancer diagnosis for your pet can leave you feeling overwhelmed. Educating yourself about the type of cancer, treatment, and prognosis can be very helpful.

Cancer Awareness Month

A cancer diagnosis for your pet can leave you feeling overwhelmed. Educating yourself about the type of cancer, treatment, and prognosis can be very helpful.

Five Genetic Diseases of Dachshunds

Five Genetic Diseases of Dachshunds

Dachshunds are prone to back problems, liver disease, obesity, eye problems, and cancer. Understanding these common diseases can help with prevention and treatment.

Five Genetic Diseases of Dachshunds

Dachshunds are prone to back problems, liver disease, obesity, eye problems, and cancer. Understanding these common diseases can help with prevention and treatment.

Five Genetic Diseases of Golden Retrievers

Five Genetic Diseases of Golden Retrievers

Golden Retrievers are known for their affectionate, obedient and fun-loving nature. Devoted, friendly, intelligent, and playful, they are considered to be a perfect family pet. Genetics play a key role in...

Five Genetic Diseases of Golden Retrievers

Golden Retrievers are known for their affectionate, obedient and fun-loving nature. Devoted, friendly, intelligent, and playful, they are considered to be a perfect family pet. Genetics play a key role in...